During the Holidays it's easy to get caught up in all the warm and fuzzy feels. Putting up the lights, decorating the tree, and spending time with family and friends has a way of comforting you, and despite all of the crazy work that comes with it, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year... but what about the rest of the year?
Several years back in my graduate program, I had a classmate who was a Montessori Teacher. During our end of semester final presentations, she introduced to our class how she incorporates peace, love, and understanding to her students by using the "Love Light" metaphor. A Love Light is something from within that occurs every time you receive a compliment, a kind gesture, or a positive interaction. Your Love Light is the brightness you feel when you get a hug, or a surprise, and the warmth that comes from encouragement and support.
You see, as individuals we have a bad habit of dimming not only our own Love Light, but the Light of other's by simply becoming too busy or too self-involved to display or internalize kindness. At Christmas time, giving and sharing is in abundance, but throughout the year it can be scarce. Just thinking of the difference that could be made as a ripple effect to one person's Love Light shinning bright... it's magical.
I personally have felt the effects of a dim Light, not for lack of love and support from other's, but simply from lack of love for myself at times. I feel incredibly grateful that I am strong enough to overcome and move forward, and am also aware of those who unfortunately are not. In a time when depression and suicide rates are so high, ranking as the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, it is so important that kindness and compassion be the rule and not the exception.

My former classmate gave us all a gift that day, a little gold glitter pin that was intended to be a physical representation of our Love Light. I came across it the other day unexpectedly and thought to myself, the pin wasn't the only gift I received from her that day, it was the lesson of love that I will always remember. As the new year approaches, I challenge all of you to keep the feels going and make it a point to find your Love Light... while you're at it, maybe you'll also get the chance to help someone else's Light shine bright.
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